Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Winthrop, Wine & Western Women 2016

Itinerary & Choices!  Take part in as much or as little as you would like.

Thursday ~ Out to Dinner for those of us who are at the Pine Near.  We’ll take a vote!  Might be fun to hit our new Martini Bar called the Copper Glance and/or the Wine Shed next door for tastings.

Friday ~ Potluck  7pm  Vinegar Tasting, Salad & Bread.  We will provide the Plates, Utensils, Bread, Salad and Phoofy Vinegars.  If you would like to contribute something, that would be great.  Wine, Sides, Tea, whatever... 

Gift exchange and Games to follow.  Gifts should not be expensive.  Handmade or $10 value.  Take part only if you want to.  
------Saturday May 30th  ~ Make your Choices!

6:30am ~ Hot Air Balloon Rides ~ This is a rare opportunity!  Kurt will take you high above the Methow Valley (we’ll wave at you ;o). Enjoy a Champagne PicNic with homemade bread & sweet bread, cheese and locally sourced champagne.  Flights leave at 6:30am.  Please plan about 2.5-3hrs so you can enjoy the picnic afterwards.  There is a two person minimum. estimated - $225/pp.  Please call ahead and contact Kurt to book.  509-996-2284

9:00am - 11:00am ~ Craft/Treasure/Goods Sale here in the Campground.  Bring your loot!  Set up your sale at your Trailer, Tent, Tipi or Cabin.  Feel free to post kooky signs.  And feel free to stay open earlier/later if you'd like.  Outside, Local sales can be found here:  http://methowvalleynews.com/classifieds/#2  or here:  

For shopping, I recommend Robins Egg bleu in Winthrop,  Retro Pony in Winthrop,  All the shops on Winthrop's Main Street, Poppie Jo's in Twisp and Trick Pony in Twisp.

Golf:  See details below.

Guided Horseback Riding is available at Sun Mountain Lodge if you'd like http://www.sunmountainlodge.com/activities/warm-weather-activities/horseback-riding.   We will have some local cowboys, horses, stage coach rides at Pine Near (see below). 

12:00pm ~ Methow Valley CiderHouse Extravaganza ~ Snacks or bring your own picnic and sample a variety of hard and not so hard ciders. Price depending but very affordable.  They have moved downtown!!!  Walk if you choose... 

TBA~ Cowboy's, Horses and Stage Coach arrive. 

6:30pm ~ Camp Supper ~ Potluck (we better feed the cowboys...)  Potluck.  Bring your Fave.  If you don't like to cook, bring Tea, Wine, Store bought.... Whatever.  Remember, we keep this lite and easy.  No stress, Okay?  Would you like me to post a potluck sign up sheet?  Campfire music to follow.... 
Sunday May 31st ~ Make your Choices!

9:am ~ Fly fishing Casting Lessons with Griff!  $Donation if you can.... 

Friday, Saturday, Sunday:  9 holes = $20.  18 holes = $30. (estimated prices) Golf carts are available for rent but it’s a beautiful course for walking.  Call for a tee time.  www.bearcreekgolfcourse.com/  509-996-2284

1 comment:

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